‘Sometimes I wonder if I’ll come back’: Palestinian birdwatchers defy danger to scan the skies
THE GUARDIAN (6/6/2024) Sitting in the shade of an olive tree in the valley of Ein Qiniya, northwest of Ramallah, wildlife photographer Mohamad Shuaibi starts to enumerate the birds he can spot that spring morning. Swifts and swallows flit and swoop around, a short-toed eagle hovers in the distance, a jay sits perched on an […]
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“Gostávamos de ser pássaros para podermos mover-nos livremente”
EXPRESSO (30/6/2023) Todas as primaveras, milhões de aves migratórias voam sobre a Faixa de Gaza, um território onde os palestinianos vivem sob o bloqueio militar imposto por Israel. De cabeça erguida para o céu, observadores de pássaros sonham com liberdade na “maior prisão a céu aberto” GAZA – Numa manhã no início da primavera, o […]
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How Trapped Palestinians Fell in Love With Bird-Watching
THE DAILY BEAST (7/4/2023) The skies of Gaza fill with shifting shapes on an early spring morning. At first they are barely visible, only specks soaring above central Gaza’s wetlands. Mandy Sirdah quickly raises her binoculars. “Storks!” she shouts excitedly. Close by, Lara Sirdah, her identical twin sister wearing matching clothes, grabs her long-focus camera […]
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